Christ is central to our worship and our lives. The way we act and treat others should be influenced by Christ and His love for us.
We do not put up fronts and false images of who we are. We are real and recognize our brokenness and sin, we accept people for who they are and where they are in their journey with Christ.
All people have inherent value as God's creation and therefore, should be treated as such. Though we may not agree with other's lifestyle choices, we should still show them love regardless of their skin color, sexual orientation or political world view.
Todays culture is centered around the consumer and not our contribution to society. As Christians we are called to be counter-cultural and commit to being contributors and not consumers. To spread Christ's love and not our desire for self.
The Bible is the highest source of written authority for God's plan for His people; it reveals how to live out that plan, individually and corporately. Beliefs, practices, and priorities are to be anchored in clear biblical teachings.
Jesus Christ is the defining feature of God's will for all humankind. In Christ is found the highest and most practical meaning and clearest example for holy living or godliness. Christ is both example and strength as we pursue integrity, excellence, faith, hope, and love.
Making disciples is a clear mandate from Christ. This requires a strong focus on evangelism and training in spiritual growth and holy living. Done effectively, this will produce and promote growth and health in and among the church.
We respect leadership that is placed over them, while realizing that the authority and effectiveness of spiritual leadership is not primarily bestowed, but earned and manifested by a loving and willing heart of obedience that serves God and mankind gladly.
We are called to keep serving the present age. The church respects and builds on its past without becoming its slave. We are "culture informed" for the sake of reaching people for Christ, but not "culture captives," in the sense of surrendering core values, beliefs, and behaviors.
There is intrinsic value in every person. Biblical unity becomes all the more important and beautiful in the light of the wide-ranging differences in personalities, cultures, races, languages, talents, and perspectives. Finding unity and mutual love in Christ eliminates devaluation and deprivation of life to one another.